The Pteris cretica 'Albolineata' (Wing fern) is a fern species that originally comes from Asia. The leaves are elongated and pinnate, with a length of about 30 to 50 cm. The leaves have a light green color and are decorated with white lines that run the entire length of the leaves. This gives the plant a unique and striking appearance. The Pteris cretica 'Albolineata' (Wing fern) is a plant that does well in the shade, but can also grow in a semi-shade position. It is often used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks because of its beautiful foliage and easy care. The plant has an average water requirement and thrives in moist soil. The Pteris cretica 'Albolineata' (Wing fern is not poisonous and is therefore often used in homes and offices as a houseplant.
Pteris cretica 'Albolineata' (Wing Fern)
7 cm / 12 cm